Lee Min Ho Wiki. His family consists of his mother, father, and one older sister. Name: 이민호 / Lee Min Ho.
Lee Min Ho За перевод благодарим группу Minoz ocean SubTeam / Lee Min Ho / Ли Мин Хо. #AlwaysWithLeeMinHo #LeeMinHo #ActorLeeMinHo #ЛиМинХо #MYMEntertainment #MINOZWORLD #GlobalMinoz #RussiaMinozFandom #RussiaGlobalMinozGroup #RGMG. Nickname: "Honey Eyes" (kkulnunbit) and "Honey Young Boy" (kkuldongja). Lee Min Ho was going to be a professional soccer player, but an injury during elementary school made him shift to acting.
Lee has significant following worldwide, including Asia and western countries.
This Lee Min Ho's popularity extends well beyond the borders of Korea into China and other countries.
His family consists of his mother, father, and one older sister. This action series features Lee Min Ho as Yoon-sung, whose ultimate goal is to avenge his father's killers. Lee Min Ho За перевод благодарим группу Minoz ocean SubTeam / Lee Min Ho / Ли Мин Хо. #AlwaysWithLeeMinHo #LeeMinHo #ActorLeeMinHo #ЛиМинХо #MYMEntertainment #MINOZWORLD #GlobalMinoz #RussiaMinozFandom #RussiaGlobalMinozGroup #RGMG.