Lee Min Ho Suzy Drama. The lovebirds drove around Itaewon and Namsan and went out for coffee. Lee Min-ho is one of the top actors in Korea, while Suzy is an idol with many achievements.
Dispatch, como ya nos tiene acostumbrados, lanzó esta bomba antes de Navidad. Name: 이민호 / Lee Min Ho. Lee Min-ho is one of the top actors in Korea, while Suzy is an idol with many achievements.
Japanese Name: イ・ミンホ / I minho.
Di episode terakhir itu, Suzy dan Lee Jong Suk hidup bahagia bersama.
Nombre japones: イ・ミンホ / I minho. Name: 이민호 / Lee Min Ho. Reports claimed that the actress has been wearing the ring even on the set of her recent drama, the "Uncontrollably Fond." Lee Min Ho and her girlfriend, Suzy Bae, are still in the headlines as rumors and speculations about their alleged wedding cancellation are resurfacing.