Lee Min Ho Meteor Garden. After six years, the fever is very much alive, this time for the Korean remake titled "Boys The KBS-produced adaptation formally introduced international superstar Lee Min Ho to Pinoy viewers, who is now dubbed as the "King of Asianovelas". Stars: Hye-Sun Ku, Min-Ho Lee, Hyun-joong Kim.
This is where the "Meteor Garden" fever began for Filipino fans. M yang sebelumnya menduduki posisi teratas. Dalam tangga lagu tersebut, Lee Min Ho berhasil mengalahkan penyanyi China populer G.
Lee has significant following worldwide, including Asia and western countries.
Meteor Garden EngSub: An ordinary girl is admitted to the most prestigious school in the country where she encounters F an exclusive group comprised of the four wealthiest and handsomest boys in the school Dao Ming Si.
Frasi e citazioni sul C-drama con i fregni più belli❤ Se siete d'accordo con me continuate a leggere per le frasi tratte dalla serie, foto e gif dei miei fidan. Watched it years ago and I still love it. Decided to watch it as the production aesthetics looked nice on the Netflix version, as BOF's aesthetics had really pissed me off (LEE MIN HO WITH THAT TERRIBLE WIG.