Lee Min Ho M. This is a movie which is mostly action and comedy. Lee has significant following worldwide, including Asia and western countries.
As a testament to Lee Min Ho's fame, the star is never absent from lists ranking the top Korean actors or most popular actors. Lee Min Ho: Південнокорейський актор, модель та співак. Широко відомий за ролями у корейських драмах: «Хлопці кращі за квіти», «Міський мисливець» та «Спадкоємці». Name: 이민호 / Lee Min Ho.
Lee min ho who is a music producer when he is not able to write a new song , he is told by his manager to fall in love.
Lee Min-Ho's Drama Series The King. ♥Lee Min Ho (이민호) (offical site).
Here lee min ho and one of his partners are being accused of the terrorisum. Хороший день Ли Мин Хо Lee Min Ho's Good Day. За перевод благодарим группу Minoz ocean SubTeam / Lee Min Ho / Ли Мин Хо. #AlwaysWithLeeMinHo #LeeMinHo #ActorLeeMinHo #ЛиМинХо #MYMEntertainment #MINOZWORLD #GlobalMinoz #RussiaMinozFandom #RussiaGlobalMinozGroup #RGMG. Lee Min Ho is a South Korean actor who is known for his leading roles in television dramas such as Boys Over Flowers, City Hunter and Heirs. Japanese Name: イ・ミンホ / I minho.