Lee Min Ho Muda. Name: 이민호 / Lee Min Ho. Lugar de nacimiento: Seúl, Corea del sur.
Ternyata betul kan, gak ada yang namanya kesuksesan yang instan. Lee has significant following worldwide, including Asia and western countries. Хороший день Ли Мин Хо Lee Min Ho's Good Day. За перевод благодарим группу Minoz ocean SubTeam / Lee Min Ho / Ли Мин Хо. #AlwaysWithLeeMinHo #LeeMinHo #ActorLeeMinHo #ЛиМинХо #MYMEntertainment #MINOZWORLD #GlobalMinoz #RussiaMinozFandom #RussiaGlobalMinozGroup #RGMG. His family consists of his mother, father, and one older sister.
Nickname: "Honey Eyes" (kkulnunbit) and "Honey Young Boy" (kkuldongja).
Judul sinema ini adalah Lee Min Ho film pertama.
Bahkan untuk cowok ganteng se-Korea, Lee Min Ho. But with Lee Min Ho Squad is exceptional! Lugar de nacimiento: Seúl, Corea del sur.