Lee Min Ho Jisoo. Lee has significant following worldwide, including Asia and western countries. Хороший день Ли Мин Хо Lee Min Ho's Good Day. За перевод благодарим группу Minoz ocean SubTeam / Lee Min Ho / Ли Мин Хо. #AlwaysWithLeeMinHo #LeeMinHo #ActorLeeMinHo #ЛиМинХо #MYMEntertainment #MINOZWORLD #GlobalMinoz #RussiaMinozFandom #RussiaGlobalMinozGroup #RGMG. Stars: Min-Ho Lee, Go-eun Kim, Do-Hwan Woo.
Di iklan, kita bisa melihat interaksi antara Jisoo dan aktor yang kini sedang menjalani wajib militer. First of all, they are all. Stars: Min-Ho Lee, Go-eun Kim, Do-Hwan Woo.
Lee Min Ho auditioned for the role along with hundreds of other actors, and actually found out about his casting through a newspaper!
Well siapa tahu di masa depan mereka bisa main drama bareng ya!
Stars: Min-Ho Lee, Go-eun Kim, Do-Hwan Woo. Nombre: 이민호 / Lee Min Ho. First of all, they are all.